Trading mini apps in Telegram
Total 71 apps
Catalog of Telegram mini apps for trading. With their help, you can track exchange rates, analyze charts, receive news from the world of finance, and set signals about significant changes in the markets. These applications can be useful for both beginners and experienced traders.
See also Tools & Utilities, Crypto games, Crypto exchange, Finance mini apps.
For Business

Placement on with MAU 100,000. Most traffic comes from Web2 search, meaning the audience is real, active, and higher quality than tap games.
The package offer includes:
- Promo block on all pages for 1 week
- Post about your application in the Telegram channel for 60,000 subscribers
- 4,000 visits to your application

Monetize your Telegram audience with Monetag! Your Telegram mini app can bring more profit with quality ads, attractive CPMs and convenient payment methods. is the leading platform for Telegram advertising, connecting you with thousands of active and bot-free channels across various niches. Promote your brand, services, and mini-apps effectively with native ads. Launch campaigns effortlessly, track performance with detailed analytics, and grow your audience.