Food delivery in Telegram
Total 4 apps
These mini apps in Telegram are designed for convenient ordering food, choosing restaurants and viewing menus. They allow you to search for dishes by category, place orders and track delivery status in real time. You can also take advantage of discounts and special offers using these tools.
See also Shopping mini apps, Analytics, Catalogs, Stores mini apps.
For Business

Monetize your Telegram audience with Monetag! Your Telegram mini app can bring more profit with quality ads, attractive CPMs and convenient payment methods.

Placement on with MAU 100,000. Most traffic comes from Web2 search, meaning the audience is real, active, and higher quality than tap games.
The package offer includes:
- Promo block on all pages for 1 week
- Post about your application in the Telegram channel for 60,000 subscribers
- 4,000 visits to your application

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