The game takes place in the future, when humanity, having acquired the technology of planetary terraforming and advanced bioengineering, populated Mars. You can become the creator of the first colonies and states in a society where all the hard work is done by artificially bred cybernetic organisms, Marsoids, and the settlers conduct trade, develop culture, art and take care of their new home, Mars.
Popularity chart
This chart shows the daily change in subscribers of official chats and channels, as well as the monthly users of the app.
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See also
For Business
Monetize your Telegram audience with Monetag! Your Telegram mini app can bring more profit with quality ads, attractive CPMs and convenient payment methods.
Placement on FindMini.app with MAU 100,000. Most traffic comes from Web2 search, meaning the audience is real, active, and higher quality than tap games.
The package offer includes:
- Promo block on all pages for 1 week
- Post about your application in the Telegram channel for 60,000 subscribers
- 4,000 visits to your application
Hotline.tg Telegram CRM
Perfect solution for support, feedback and sales bots that works entirely through the native interface of Telegram topic groups.
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Сайт продукта: https://hotline.tg
Служба поддержки: https://t.me/hotlinetg_support_bot